ASA Bizz is your go-to resource for expert-reviewed and recommended products. Although we don't sell items directly, we only suggest products that our team genuinely loves. When you follow our links, they'll lead you to product websites where we've worked to get you the best deals and discounts. Plus, we regularly check these links to make sure they're safe and secure for you to use.



I recently had a fantastic experience with ASA Bizz marketplace when I was referred to a product. I received my order earlier than expected, and it exceeded my expectations in quality and performance. ASA Bizz marketplace has definitely earned my trust, and I appreciate their commitment to connecting customers with the best products..

John Higgins

I had a great experience with ASA Bizz Marketplace! The recommendation was perfect for my needs, and the transition to the external vendor's site was smooth and secure. The product itself arrived promptly, was exactly as described, and has worked wonderfully well. The entire process was great, I'm really impressed with their service and would trust their future recommendations!

Sally Castillo

I had a great experience with ASA Bizz! The product they recommended is exactly what I was looking for. I am glad to have a site for future needs that I know have been researched thoroughly prior to buying. I almost purchased a different product, but a friend of mine recommended this website. I will continue to keep coming for referrals and reviews of products..

John Thompson

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered

What exactly is ASA Bizz market place?

We review a large amount of different products and refer the ones we love and enjoy! There are so many options out there and we want you to make a purchase you will be happy with.

Do you sell products on this online market place?

No, we do not directly sell products on here. We test and refer products. The categories above will take you to the products we highly recommend. Those products will have information and a link that will take you the products website. All links are tested on a regular basis.

May I request reviews or referrals on other products?

You may always send us an email to [email protected] and request a review on a product. Pending on availability, we may review the product and competitor’s product. We will then give our results and if ideal for you, we will refer to the product on our website.

Are the external links that go to other websites safe?

All links have been tested and are products base websites.

Are there any discounts, promos, or coupons on the products you refer?

Most products listing on here come with a promo or discount. Discounts are normally attached to the links on our website. Please check if a "check out code" is also required. It will be displayed on the product descriptions.

What happens when I get click on the products in the categories?

You will be taken to another one of our pages that has the products we recommend.

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201 E Center St. Ste 112 PMB 3467 Anaheim, CA 92805